Files Upload API Guide
how can I upload my photo using Files Upload API?
I didn't find any parameter for image uploading
Cannot find APIs documents for uncrop / outpaint
How to uncrop / outpaint using APIs
When using a photograph, how do you keep the result close to the original while modifying certain parts?
The problem I run into is that when I use a landscape photograph, the AI generates a result that has nothing to do with it.
output is empty
when i use the GET method using a valid orderId on the /orders endpoint, the output which earlier had the image links, now is just an empty array.
Can't find checkbox to turn off safe filter
been trying to find the checkbox to turn off the filter but cannot find it.
Image Copyrights
High. I was wondering if I was allowed to use any images for commercialuse. I'm designing a video game, and wanted to use an outfit that this sight generated an image of. Thank you.
Inquiry about Using AI Art Generation Endpoint for portrait Restoration
Dear Neural Love Team,
How do I give better prompts for better answers?
I have been working on a deity from DnD for a player in a game I used the description of the character and have been trying to get better at promting from there.
can I restore images using the API?
I wonder if I can get the same results as restore images using the API instead of the web app
"Validation Failed amount: This value should be of type int."
I send an integer in amount field, but i got this error, and this is a full responce