How do you remove images?
Some of my images couldn't be created with the free version. How to I remove them?
i am not child ,i paied 27 canadian dolor b
i am not child ,i payed 27 Canadian dolor but i cannot use the app
i am not child ,i paied 27 canadian dolor b
i am not child ,i payed 27 Canadian dolor but i cannot use the app
NSFW image was created and I couldn't view
NSFW image was created and I couldn't view. Is there a filter so they don't create these images that are NSFW
why is my facebook login not working
when will it fixed it!
I think there is a bug when getting the order status from /v1/ai-art/orders/{0}
I am checking the status and Thumbnails count, to ensure all 6 images are ready.
But when the order status isReady = true, the Thumbnails count is not 6 where I set it in the request.
Real settings
My settings only say information, i cant actually change filter or show my creations
Real settings
My settings only say information, i cant actually change filter or show my creations
When using a photograph, how do you keep the result close to the original while modifying certain parts?
The problem I run into is that when I use a landscape photograph, the AI generates a result that has nothing to do with it.
How do I give better prompts for better answers?
I have been working on a deity from DnD for a player in a game I used the description of the character and have been trying to get better at promting from there.